How do I add a widget in an iframe or through Ad Manager?

If you are implementing the widget through Google Ad Manager in an iframe, then the implementation differs from the usual way.


Widget v2

Find the implementation tags that we have sent to you. 

Copy both the div part and the script part in the <body> section of your iframe or Ad Manager implementation.

If one page has multiple widgets, every iframe must include both parts. In other words the div tag and the script tag must be inserted in Ad Manager for every widget implementation. 

<div class="strossle-widget"></div
<script>window.strossle=window.strossle||function(){(strossle.q=strossle.q||[]).push(arguments)};  strossle('5ca6fbaf-g6a7-4117-9b6e-9054094c3dec', '.strossle-widget');</script
<script async src=""></script>

Note: This is only an example, do not use.


Widget v1

For a v1 widget paste our widget tags as illustrated below.

If one page has multiple widgets, every iframe must include a script tag. In other words the div tag and the script tag must be inserted in Ad Manager for every widget implementation. 

<div data-spklw-widget="8ac65e2f-c85f-5217-5t98-6889342c3dec"></div
<script src="//" async></script>

Note: This is only an example, do not use.

How did we do?

How do I add multiple widgets to a page?

Does the widget work with infinite scroll?
