Widget FAQ

Can I have more than one widget?

Yes, a website can have many different widgets. You can have different widgets on the same site in different pages/sections or even multiple widgets on the same page. Note that each widget correspond…


How do I add multiple widgets to a page?

Widget v2 To implement more than one widgets on a single page, you have to add the script part of the implementation tag once in the <head> section of the webpage. For every next widget add the follo…


How do I add a widget in an iframe or through Ad Manager?

If you are implementing the widget through Google Ad Manager in an iframe, then the implementation differs from the usual way. Widget v2 Find the implementation tags that we have sent to you. Copy bo…


Does the widget work with infinite scroll?

Yes it does, but you need to make some small changes to our tags and depending if you are using a v1 or v2 widget. Widget v2 Script tag. Add the script to the <head> section of the webpage. For every…


Can I use the widget in WordPress?

For WordPress sites we recommend to add our widget tags either hard-coded in a child theme, or by using a third-party plugin. For more information about child-themes, see https://codex.wordpress.org/…


Will the widget affect my Google ranking or SEO?

The short and simple answer is: No. All links in our widgets use " rel=nofollow " which is a way to tell Google not to index the links. This concerns both article recommendations and ads. However, ev…


Will the Strossle widget slow down my website?

Our widget loads asynchronously without blocking other scripts on your site. Ad images are loaded from our ad server. Article images are by default loaded from your own website, or optional from our…


How do I prevent Widgets from displaying the same recommendations?

Widgets implemented directly on the page communicate with each other and are able to prevent the same ad recommendations and editorial content recommendations from being shown on more than one placem…


How does Strossle measure impressions?

We adhere to the MRC viewable impression measurement guidelines and only count impressions when: More than or equal to 50% of the pixels in the recommendation were on an in-focus browser tab on the v…

