Adding a widget to your site

After you have created a widget you must now add the widget to your site.

Widget v2

The widget will be created when you click on the ‘Create & Publish’ button in the Widget Factory. You will now find the implementation tags under the Embed Code section of the overview page. Every new widget is ‘active’ by default.

This is only an example, do not use on your site.

Copy the script part and place it in the <head> section of your webpage.

<script>window.strossle=window.strossle||function(){(strossle.q=strossle.q||[]).push(arguments)};  strossle('8ac6ghaf-c8ff-5217-6b6e-6801094c3dec', '.strossle-widget');</script><script async src=""></script>

Copy the div part and place it in the <body> section of your webpage where you want the widget to appear. 

<div class="strossle-widget"></div>

Widget v1

The widget will be created when you click on the ‘Create & Publish’ button in the Widget Factory.

Every new widget is ‘inactive’ by default. That means that the widget will not be visible until the widget has been marked as active (in the widget overview page).

That also means that a Strossle developer can build the widget while it is marked as ‘inactive’.

The widget tags that the publisher has to add in the site are being shown in the overview page, after clicking on the ‘Create & Publish’ button.

Example of the tags for our widget v1:

This is only an example, do not use on your site.

Place the div tag where you want the widget to appear.

<div data-spklw-widget="8ac69e2f-c85f-5217-6b6e-6801094c3dec"></div>

Place the script tag somewhere before the end of the body tag and under all div tags.

<script src="//" async></script>

How did we do?

Testing the widget on a live site
