Measuring engagement with your landing page

Our Strossle Analytics script is measuring time spent on the landing page given that you came to the landing page by clicking a Strossle ad. The script does this without collecting any personal data.

Time spent data is recorded per Ad Creative meaning that you'll be able to see what creative generates the highest time spent on the landing page. This makes it possible to primarily promote articles with a high time spent and to see if there is a discrepancy between the creative and the landing page messaging, e.g. if the click-through-rate of the creative is high but time spent on the landing page is low, that would be an indication of the landing page not delivering on the ad promise.

Our time spent tracking differ from e.g. Google Analytics in that it always record time spent information (given that you came from a Strossle ad), even if there is no additional engagement hits on the landing page.


  1. Include the Strossle Analytics script on your landing pages
<script async src=""></script>
window.strossleAnalyticsQueue = window.strossleAnalyticsQueue || [];
function strossleAnalytics() { strossleAnalyticsQueue.push(arguments); }
strossleAnalytics('config', 'deviceStorage', true);

In case your website hosts a TCF v2.0 compliant CMP, Strossle will automatically detect if we have consent to store information in localStorage. In such case it is enough to include the Strossle Analytics script:

<script async src=""></script>

  1. Modify Click URL of your Ad Creatives

An sclid macro must be added as a query parameter in the Click URL of your Ad Creatives. Detailed instructions can be found here:

Adding a sclid macro to your Ad Creatives

How is engagement measured?

We define engagement as active time spent with your landing page. We only measure time spent for the page a user goes to after clicking your ad, the landing page. We ignore any subsequent page views on your site.

Active time spent means that the user must actually be active on your landing page or we won't count the time spent. If the user would switch browser tab or if no other engagement events (such as mouse movement or scroll events) are detected, we stop the counter until the user is once more actively engaging with your landing page.

Technically, time spent tracking works similar to adding e.g. UTM-parameters to a click URL; the sclid will pass the actual ID of the Ad Creative to the landing page. On the landing page the Strossle Analytics script picks up the sclid and ping our servers every 5th second as long as the user is still active on the page. The ping contains no personal data, we only collect the time spent for this particular session.

By doing this, we do not have to rely on any additional clicks on the landing page and we are able to collect time spent with your article even if the user leaves the landing page after reading.

Are you storing any data on the user's device?

We store the sclid in localStorage on the user's device. This allows us to track conversions taking place on pages of your site other than the landing page. We do this completely without collecting any personal data or user identifiers.

In case your website hosts a TCF v2.0 compliant CMP, Strossle will automatically detect if we have consent to store information in localStorage.

If you are not interested in tracking conversions you can disable usage of localStorage by modifying the script from step 1 in the implementation guidelines as follows:

// Replace the following line:
strossleAnalytics('config', 'deviceStorage', true);

// With this line:
strossleAnalytics('config', 'deviceStorage', false);

How did we do?

Measuring conversions per Ad Creative
