Content Share

The content share setting allow you to customize percentage of articles from your own websites, percentage of ads and percentage of house ads.

You can show article recommendations from one of your websites or from multiple websites (e.g. other websites in your portfolio or websites you are collaborating with). By running cross website article recommendations you open up the possibility for your readers to discover content from other websites in your network.

What happens if there is not enough article recommendations available from one of the defined content sources?

If there are not enough article recommendations available from one of the source you have defined, the widget will automatically backfill with content from the other content sources.

Article recommendations are not backfilled with Ads or House Ads.

What happens if there is not enough Ads?

If we cannot fill all available Ad slots in the widget we will attempt the following:

  1. Backfill with House Ads (given that the House Ads content share is set to at least 1%).
  2. Backfill with article recommendations from one of the content sources you have defined.

What happens if there is not enough House Ads?

If you cannot fill all available House Ad slots in the widget we will attempt the following:

  1. Backfill with Ads (given that the Ads content share is set to at least 1%).
  2. Backfill with article recommendations from one of the content sources you have defined.

What happens with slots in the widget that can't be filled?

Any unfilled recommendation slot in the widget is automatically hidden. If not a single recommendation can be retrieved for your widget (no article recommendations, no House Ads and no Ads), the whole widget will be hidden, freeing up space for other types of content on your website.

How did we do?

Disable device storage (localstorage, cookies)

How can I use a preamble for my v2 widgets?
