Getting Started
Widget Configuration
Finding and using fonts for your widget
Customizing your widgets using Additional CSS
Using passbacks when widget is empty
Disable device storage (localstorage, cookies)
Content Share
How can I use a preamble for my v2 widgets?
How can I use the article source for my v2 widgets?
Widget Implementation
Adding a widget to your site
Testing the widget on a live site
Testing the widget in your test environment
Content Recommendations
Selecting articles to recommend
Elements of an article recommendation
Images in content recommendations
Widget FAQ
Can I have more than one widget?
How do I add multiple widgets to a page?
How do I add a widget in an iframe or through Ad Manager?
Does the widget work with infinite scroll?
Can I use the widget in WordPress?
Will the widget affect my Google ranking or SEO?
Will the Strossle widget slow down my website?
How do I prevent Widgets from displaying the same recommendations?
How does Strossle measure impressions?
Widget Troubleshooting
My widget is showing old article recommendations
My widget is not showing
My widget is too wide/too narrow
Introduction to Manager
Exclude ads using third-party trackers
Find and configure your Ads.txt records
Ad Sets
Introduction to Ad Sets
Prioritization of Ad Sets
Targeting Categories
Targeting Site Types
Choosing Delivery Mode For Your Ad Set
Ad Creatives
Introduction to Ad Creatives
The Art of Writing Great Headlines
Choosing the Perfect Image for Your Content
Adding a sclid macro to your Ad Creatives
Ad Creative Optimization
Using your own impression tracker
Including referrer in your click URL
Ad Specification
Measuring conversions per Ad Creative
Measuring engagement with your landing page
House Ads
Marketplace FAQ
Why is my campaign not getting enough traffic?
Can I select or exclude certain publishers?
Why does currency of my campaigns differ?
Can I change currency?
How does Strossle handle traffic from bots?
How often is the forecast updated?
Do you provide a campaign reporting API?
Can multiple Creatives from the same Ad Set show up in the same placement?
Why may Strossle reporting differ from third-party reporting tools?
- All Categories
- Marketplace
- Ad Sets
- Introduction to Ad Sets
Introduction to Ad Sets
On ad set level you define settings for your ad, e.g. targeting, budget and schedule. Each campaign can have multiple ad sets, e.g. if you wish to set different prices depending on article category or if you wish to use different ad creatives for desktop and mobile traffic.
Each ad set can in turn consist of multiple ad creatives (look and feel of your ads).

Targeting fields
Name of your ad set, simply there to make it easier for you to distinguish between different ad sets.
The language field determines what sites your ad will show up on, e.g. if you select Swedish your ad will only show up on sites written in Swedish.
The language of your ad must always match the language of the sites you are targeting.
Categories determine on what type of article pages your ad will show up. Targeting e.g. Luxury Homes means that your ad will be targeted primarily to articles written on this topic.
We support close to 400 article categories divided into two levels. A general recommendation is to start broad, either targeting all categories or at least a few of the high level categories to ensure your ad is able to reach enough people.
Read more about article categories: Targeting specific article categories
Site Types
Sometimes you might only want to reach sites with a specific type of audience, this is where site types comes in handy. Examples of site types can be anything from news sites, blogs or sites with an audience primarily consisting of young people.
We provide different types of site types depending on what language your ad set has been set to. Make sure to check out the site types list to determine if one of the options suit your requirements.
Read more about Site Types: Targeting Site Types
When you need to limit your ad to specific locations you will find the geolocation setting valuable. You can select one or many locations divided on 3 different levels:
- Country
- State (region)
- City
Device targeting allows you to reach your audience on specific types of devices. You have 3 options to chose from:
- Desktop
- Tablet
- Mobile