The Art of Writing Great Headlines

Writing a catchy headline can to a great extent be described as an art form. A great headline catch the attention of your audience and make them want to read the story. So, what are the most important aspects to consider in order to succeed with your headlines?

Be true to your content

A great headline leaves no ambiguity as to its purpose. It should provide enough information to let readers know whether they are interested in reading the article or not.

"5 writing techniques that captures attention" sets expectations that will not be met if the visitor is taken to a landing page offering you to order a book on attention grabbing writing techniques.

Failing to address the topic of your headline will lead to disappointed readers. You can easily measure your success by looking at bounce rates on your landing page, high bounce rates means readers did not get what they came for.

Remember, at Strossle you pay per click and you have little to gain from low quality traffic.

Make your headline reflect your goals

Ask yourself what you want to achieve with your ad and make sure your headline reflects your ambition. If you want people to buy your new book on "Attention grabbing writing techniques" and you are evaluating the success of your ad based on number of sold copies then tell users just that. "New book teaches you attention grabbing writing techniques" will bring you visitors interested in buying the book - "5 writing techniques that captures attention" will not.

Make each click count by ensuring your headline reflects your goal.

Keep it short

Short headlines tend to generate a higher click through rate, keep it simple and short, try to avoid over selling or be overly pretentious.

The default length for headlines in our placements is 60 characters (including spaces). If the headline is longer it will be truncated with three dots (e.g. "Headline has been truncated...") on many of our placements.

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