Campaign, Ad Set and Ad Status

A Campaign, Ad set and Ad can have any of three statuses.


Currently running and trying to delivery its volume.


Is not running and not scheduled to run.


Waiting to become active when the defined start date is reached. When the start date is reached the status will switch to be Active.


These icons are used to display status in Marketplace.

When a Campaign, Ad set and Ad has a certain status

The meaning of the status is the same for Campaign, Ad set and Ad but depending of a parent level or child level a status may change.


The campaign status depends on the status of its Ad sets.

Active Campaign

The campaign has one ore more ad sets that is currently running.

Inactive Campaign

All ad sets in the campaign is inactive (not running and not scheduled for activation).

Pending Campaign

One or more ad sets have the status Pending (scheduled for activation).

Ad set

Active Ad set

The Ad set is running and working to delivery its volume.

Inactive Ad set

The Ad set is not running and no progress on delivering its volume is made.

Pending Ad set

The Ad set is scheduled to become active on a defined start date. The Ad set will automatically be activated and change status to be Active when the defined start date is reached.

The Ad status of Active and Pending is depending on the Ad set status.

Active Ad

The Ad is active and can be used by the Ad Set. The Active status of an Ad is depending on the status of the Ad set and an Ad can only be active if the Ad set is active.

Inactive Ad

The Ad will not be used by the Ad set. However the Ad set can be active and use other active Ads within the Ad set.

Pending Ad

The Ad is waiting for the Ad set to become Active. An ad that is in Pending status will be available for the Ad set to use when the Ad set becomes active.

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Marketplace Core Concepts
